If you know the books, join the cause. And if not, it's about time you became confessed.
~~~~~~~~Christine's Campaign tips~~~
Legend of the Seeker is in crisis and fans have risen to the challenge. Now, we all know that I love projects and to have something to fight for, so come on people THINK OF THE SOLUTION... NOT THE PROBLEM! For full coverage and updates on the campaign, visit SaveOurSeeker.com and follow the twitter feeds!
What you can do to help:
1) TWEET!: We are trying to trend, so be sure to tweet and Retweet! Specifically, tweet #SaveOurSeeker at 8am EST, #LegendoftheSeeker at 12pm EST, #BridgetRegan at 8pm EST on Saturdays and #MotherConfessorDay on Mother's Day. See here for best tips on how to trend. If you can't tweet live at those times, set your TwAitter to tweet for you!
2) DONATE: Fans have started a brilliant idea to buy a "Thank you/ Please reconsider" ad in Variety and Hollywood Reporter. Variety ad ran Friday May 7th (see ad here) and Hollywood Reporter ad will run later this month. The ads thanks the cast and crew for an amazing 2 seasons and also asks the execs to reconsider renewing for a season 3. In just over one week, fans have raised over $10,000 and counting. Every bit counts so click here to donate!
3) SIGN: Petitions have been circulating ever since Tribune pulled out of season 3, but now it's serious. Sign the petition here.
4) WRITE: This is the most time consuming but possibly the most helpful. Most importantly, make people aware of the commotion and of the fan demand. At the moment, fans are trying to get The Ellen Show to bring LOTS star, Bridget Regan, on her show to support the campaign. If it works, millions of people may be interested enough to tune in.
Also, see below for a sample of what to write the executives and SEND emails to Chandler.hayes@abc.com, anne.sweeney@disney.com or here for how to contact ABC and Disney.
5) WATCH: There are only a few episodes left in the second season, but it is VITAL that those episodes bring in big numbers. The studios need to know there is a solid audience for the show. If you have never seen Legend before, catch up here and watch the final episodes starting this weekend (check your local listings)
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